
Epica - текст песни "Reverence"


An overactive mind where a thousand thoughts come floating by
Will not be able to slow down at time
Don't be afraid, live in the now, enjoy simplicity
Avoid incentives that will make you blind

Don't let it burn you down
Live in the heart
Experience the now

To really know yourself, ignore your mind and find yourself again
Life is always challenging
To really find yourself, you can't be blind to signals you obtain and gain
Thoughts are slowly changing here

Here in the now if you identify with your own heart
Will change your views and make you feel at home
You're not your thoughts, observe how the can be duplicity
Don't follow those that make you drift away

Don't let them pull you down
Live in the heart
Experience the now

To really know yourself, ignore your mind and find yourself again
Life is always challenging
To really find yourself, ignore your mind and find yourself again
Life is always challenging
To really find yourself, you can't be blind to signals you obtain and gain
Thoughts are slowly changing

Reward yourself

To really know yourself, ignore your mind and find yourself again
Life is always challenging
To really find yourself, you can't be blind to signals you obtain and gain
Thoughts are slowly changing
To really know yourself, ignore your mind and find yourself
Life is always challenging
To really know yourself, you can't be blind to signs you gain
Thoughts are always ranging now

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Описание песни с точки зрения нейросети

"Этот текст песни "Reverence" говорит о том, что чтобы действительно познать себя, нужно игнорировать свой разум и снова найти себя. Жизнь всегда представляет собой вызов, и чтобы настоящим образом найти себя, нельзя быть слепым к сигналам, которые ты получаешь и принимаешь. Мы должны жить в настоящем, не позволяя себе утратить самого себя из-за навязанных нам убеждений. Необходимо научиться выслушивать своё сердце, оставаясь верными себе."

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