
Epica - текст песни "Sense Without Sanity"

Sense Without Sanity

See through the veil

Our perspective on life
Defines everything we reach
Most of us will aim for
All the certainties

Beyond the veil

Our perspective on death
Can manifest in many ways
Some of us stay fearful
Till the end of days

As we believe in what we see
We all assume that this is real

Our experience will just hamper us
Sense without your sanity
We've tried to conceive and intertwine circles
Circles of your life
Our knowledge will only hinder us
Sense without your sanity
We've tried to conceive and interweave the cycles of life
Cycles of your life
Death will ease us

See through the veil

Our perspective on birth
Defines how we honor life
An esthetic's wonder
Blessed with splendid eyes

As we believe in what we see
We all assume that this is real

Sense without your sanity
Perceive a new reality
Your heart is guiding you into
Blessedness, we will pull through

The longer you wait for the future the shorter it will be

We're searching for the origin
Dig deeper, where we've never been
Carry the light, we should cherish the night
The questions that we cannot solve
We don't know how we should evolve
Carry the light, we should cherish the night
Bring us all to new heights
Our feelings are ready to warm us, to finally heat us up
Our mind will betray us and leave us in coldness, undefined
Our vision of life says what we will experience
Our vision of death defines what we will see

Beyond the veil

Our perspective on life
Defines everything we see
As we all could aim for
A sense of unity

Se through the veil

Our perspective on death
Defines how we spend our days
Everyone interprets
Things in different ways

As we believe in what we see
We all assume that this is real

Sense without your sanity
Perceive a new reality
Your heart is guiding you into
Blessedness, we will pull through
Sense without your sanity
A changed mentality
Perceive a new reality
Do not suppress
Your heart is guiding you into
Moments of pure blessedness

Описание песни

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Описание песни с точки зрения нейросети

"Песня "Sense Without Sanity" говорит о том, что наше восприятие жизни, смерти и рождения определяет наше поведение и наше отношение к окружающему миру. Мы верим в то, что видим, но это не всегда реально. Наш опыт может нас сбить с толку, если мы не сможем сохранить свой здравый смысл.

Текст призывает нас к осмысленному восприятию жизни и смерти, к поиску глубин и истины. Мы должны ценить ночь равно как и день, искать свет во мраке исследовать неразгаданные области нашего существования.

Без здравого смысла и мудрости мы не сможем ощутить настоящую благодать и преодолеть все трудности. Нам нужно следовать своему сердцу и продолжать двигаться вперед, стремясь к единству и бессмертию."

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