
Megadeth - текст песни "Kingmaker"


Generation of the dark watch their lives decay
Persecuting their 'own kind', there's nothing you can say
Don't ask anyone for help, they won't know what to do
If you try, if you don't die, you'll end up black and blue

Epidemic of addiction, worshipping the pill
Drown them all with alcohol, anything for thrills
Precious life goes up in smoke, going nowhere fast
The world is running rampant and you know that this can't last

I want everything that makes me feel alright
That feels alive, don't ask me why
I want everything, right before my eyes
I can't deny I want to be the King!

[Solo - Chris]

Searching for an answer, but you see you're all alone
Mom and Daddy's lights are on but nobody's home
They glorify their tortured life; they talk of days like this
Sentencing their children, when they need to eat a fist

Narcotics have enslaved them; now it's coming after you
Pearls of wisdom hit the floor, there's nothing you can do
Out of control, you sell your soul, so blind, you couldn't see
Ten feet tall, it made you crawl; it's better you than me

I want everything that makes me feel alright
That feels alive, don't ask me why
I want everything, right before my eyes
I can't deny I want to be the King!

[Solo - Chris]

[Solo - Dave]

I want everything that makes me feel alright
That feels alive, don't ask me why
I want everything, right before my eyes
I can't deny I want to be the King!
It makes me feel alive, I want everything
It makes me feel alright, I want everything
The things I can't deny, I want everything
I want to be the King!

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Описание песни с точки зрения нейросети

"Песня "Kingmaker" описывает темные стороны современного общества, его пороки и проблемы. В тексте упоминается разложение поколения, которое страдает от зависимости, насилия, алкоголизма и других проблем. Люди преследуют своих собратьев, не понимая, что им делать. Они ищут утешения в наркотиках и алкоголе, живут быстро и никуда не идут. Песня призывает к осознанию своих поступков и пониманию, что нужно меняться, чтобы не стать жертвой собственных демонов. В итоге, хочется быть королем своей судьбы, найти силы и решения для изменений в жизни."

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