Star One

Star One - текст песни "It All Ends Here"

[Dan Swan?:]
Lies - fictitious dreams - false illusions
[Russell Allen:]
living life with nothing to gain
[Dan Swan?:]
Eyes - synthetic tears - hollow visions
[Russell Allen:]
Moments lost, like tears in the rain
[Dan Swan?:]
Life - a vacuous truth - a simulation
[Russell Allen:]
Watching dreams break down an decay
[Dan Swan?:]
Survive - a desperate hope - strange desires
[Russell Allen:]
Can't give up, there must be a way

[Floor Jansen:]
I think therefore I am
am I more human than a man?
I think therefore I am
but will they ever understand?

[Dan Swan?:]
Pain - living in fear - no compassion
[Russell Allen:]
facing death with nothing to lose
[Dan Swan?:]
sustain - future-less world - cold deception
[Russell Allen:]
no way out, whatever we do
[Dan Swan?:]
why? - meaningless words - empty promises
[Russell Allen:]
is this real or this is a lie?
[Dan Swan?:]
deny - darkening skies - twisted emotions
[Russell Allen:]
will I dream, or will I just die?

[Damian Wilson:]
four years slipped by too fast
four years, without a past
and a future we'll never know
four years is all we had
four years, no second chance
there is nowhere left to go

[Dan Swan?:]
Four years slipped by too fast
four years, without a past
and a future we'll never know
four years is all we had
four years, no second chance
there is nowhere left to go

[Russell Allen:]
Living a life with nothing left to gain
moments are lost, like tears in the rain
watching my dreams break down and decay
I can't give up, there must be a way
facing death with nothing to lose
no way out, no matter what we try to do
is this real or this is a lie?
will I dream, or will I just die?

[Floor Jansen:]
I think therefore I am
am I more human than a man?
I think therefore I am
but will they ever understand?

[Damian Wilson:]
Four years, we were almost there
[Russell Allen:]
four years, no time to spare
[Floor Jansen:]
four years, beyond repair
[Damian & Russell:]
is it wrong? does anyone care?

[Damian Wilson:]
Four years of living in fear
[Russell Allen:]
four years, death is near
[Floor Jansen:]
four years disappeared
[Damian and Russell]:
can't believe i all ends here

Four years, we were almost there
four years, no time to spare
four years, beyond repair
is it wrong? does anyone care?
four years of living in fear
four years, death is near
four years disappeared
can't believe i all ends here

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Описание песни с точки зрения нейросети

"Данная песня "It All Ends Here" описывает чувства утраты и отчаяния. В тексте песни содержится множество философских вопросов о реальности и жизни в целом. Участники описывают свои чувства и мысли, с некоторым скептицизмом относясь к своей жизни, которая кажется пустой и лишенной смысла. В тексте песни также описывается утрата времени и надежды, а также страх перед смертью. Все участники подчеркивают, что они не могут просто смириться с тем, что жизнь заканчивается и что нужно искать способ выжить и продолжать бороться до конца. Несмотря на то что они существуют в мире, где иллюзии и лживые обещания окружают их, они все же продолжают искать свой путь, чтобы жить и продолжать бороться."

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