Star One

Star One - текст песни "Victim of the Modern Age"

Victim of the Modern Age

Prowling 'round the city slums, hungry for distraction
lashings of violence fire me up inside
A dose of nasty, some "social interaction'
cry out, have a laugh, never, ever holding back

Ripping through the countryside, dying for some danger
the sound of symphonies sends shivers up my spine
beat up some loser, harass some random stranger
fly high, feel no pain, I'm singing singing in the rain

You're just a child who's lost his way
a wandering soul led astray
but we all know what's right for you!
[Damian and Dan]:
You're just a child consumed by rage
a victim of a modern age

You're just a child who had no choice
a mindless pawn without a voice
but we all know what's right for you!
[Damian and Dan]:
a restless mind trapped in this cage
a victim of a modern age

I am not an evil man, I swear to you, my brothers
I've learned my lesson now, I have changed my ways
I was merely blinded by the treachery of others
hell yeah, now I am sure, I survived, I am cured!

You're just a child who's lost his way
a wandering soul led astray
but we all know what's right for you!
[Damian and Dan]:
You're just a child consumed by rage
a victim of a modern age

You're just a child who had no choice
a mindless pawn without a voice
but we all know what's right for you!
[Damian and Dan]:
a restless mind trapped in this cage
a victim of a modern age

violence makes violence

You're just a child who's lost his way
a wandering soul led astray
but we all know what's right for you!
[Damian and Dan]:
You're just a child consumed by rage
a victim of a modern age

You're just a child who had no choice
a mindless pawn without a voice
but we all know what's right for you!
[Damian and Dan]:
a restless mind trapped in this cage
a victim of a modern age

I am not an evil man
I swear to you, my brothers
I'm still singing in the rain
and I'm singing in the rain

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Описание песни с точки зрения нейросети

"Эта песня "Victim of the Modern Age" рассказывает о человеке, который оказался жертвой современной эпохи, испытывая различные негативные эмоции и влияния окружающей среды. В тексте отражены чувства злости, потери пути, беспомощности, а также осознание необходимости изменений и деятельного вмешательства в свою жизнь. Песня также обращает внимание на то, как насилие порождает насилие и как важно осознать свою ответственность за свои поступки."

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