
Megadeth - текст песни "Of Mice and Men"

Of Mice and Men

The fire burns on and on
That drives me on till all is gone
Except the simple plans
Of mice and men

Back when I was just seventeen
I thought that I knew everything
I could make it in this scene
To be a rising star that only gleamed
But all the answers disagreed
With the questions held for me

I was legal now at twenty-one
I knew the way the world should run
My God just look what I had done
Simply drunk and having fun
Looked for friends, but I found none
All alone at twenty-one

Solo - Poland

The fire burns on and on
That drives me on till all is gone
Except the simple plans
Of mice and men
The fire burns on and on
That drives me on till all is gone
Except the simple plans
Of mice and men

Solo fills - Poland

At twenty-five I was surprised
That I was still even half alive
Somehow I managed to survive
I felt my body's doing time
And In my back a hundred knives
From friends at twenty-five

And now as Gabriel sounds my warning bell
I'd buy your life, if you would sell
A year or two, if less compelled
So live your life and live it well
There's not much left of me to tell
I just got back up each time I fell

Solo - Poland

The fire burns on and on
That drives me on till all is gone
Except the simple plans
Of mice and men
The fire burns on and on
That drives me on till all is gone
Except the simple plans
Of mice and men

Solo fills - Poland
Solo - Mustaine

The fire burns on and on
That drives me on till all is gone
Except the simple plans
Of mice and men

The fire burns on and on
That drives me on till all is gone
Except the simple plans
Of mice and men
The fire burns on and on
That drives me on till all is gone
Except the simple plans
Of mice and men
The fire burns on and on
That drives me on till all is gone
Except the simple plans
Of mice and men

Solo fills - Poland

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Описание песни с точки зрения нейросети

"Этот текст песни рассказывает о жизни исполнителя, о его опыте и ошибках, которые он совершил. Он начал свой путь, думая, что знает все, но столкнулся с препятствиями и разочарованиями. Он испытывал одиночество, не находя друзей, и сталкивался с предательством. Несмотря на все трудности, он не сдавался, возвращался на ноги после каждого падения. Песня говорит о том, что жизнь полна испытаний, но важно продолжать бороться и идти вперед."

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