
Megadeth - текст песни "Crush 'Em"

Crush 'Em

Enter the arena and hit the lights
Step up now you're in for a ride
this is war, ain't no fun and games
we get it up, you go down in flames

Party time, going down
you better not mess us around
the stakes are rich, take a hit or stay
the price is high, someone's gonna pay

Heads I win, tails you lose
out of my way I'm coming through
roll the dice don't think twice
and we crush, crush 'em

Looking for trouble, now you've found it
you're a drum and we're gonna pound it

Last one standing wins the fight
hear us scream and shout all night
down on the floor and eat the grit
this is gonna hurt a little bit

Heads I win, tails you lose
out of my way I'm coming through
roll the dice don't think twice
and we crush, crush 'em

Now we lay you down to rest
you'll never be more than second best
step inside you're in for a ride
and we crush, crush 'em

Crush! Crush!

Don't need reason, don't want names
just a John Doe to put to shame
step aside let me explain
the name of the game is pain

Now we've found you
We're gonna pound you
We're gonna beat you
Gonna defeat you
We're gonna bust you
We're gonna crush you
We're gonna crush 'em

Heads I win, tails you lose
out of my way I'm coming through
roll the dice don't think twice
and we crush, crush 'em

Now we lay you down to rest
you'll never be more than second best
step inside you're in for a ride
and we crush, crush 'em

Crush! Crush!

Oh, boy, here we go, its time to crush 'em
Yeah and you shed some tears, it's gonna hurt, crush 'em
Not here, not tonight, it's our town, and we're gonna crush 'em!

Crush! Crush 'em!

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Описание песни с точки зрения нейросети

"Текст песни "Crush 'Em" описывает соревновательный и боевой настрой. Здесь использованы метафоры, связанные с ареной, играми и сражениями. Песня говорит о необходимости сразиться и одержать победу над противником. Есть упоминания о цене, которую нужно заплатить, чтобы достичь успеха, а также о жесткости и большой интенсивности схватки. В конечном итоге песня подчеркивает готовность и решимость в командной работе для победы над соперником."

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