
Megadeth - текст песни "Use the Man"

Use the Man

I heard somebody fixed today
There was no "last goodbyes" to say
His will to live ran out
I heard somebody turned to dust
Looking back at what he left
A list of plans and photographs
Songs that never will be sung
These are the things he won't get done

I've seen the man use the needle, seen the needle use the man
I've seen them crawl from the cradle to the gutter on their hands
They fight a war but it's fatal, it's so hard to understand
I've seen the man use the needle, seen the needle use the man

Just one shot to say goodbye
One last taste to mourn and cry
Scores and shoots, the lights go dim
Just one shot to do him in
He hangs his head and wonders why
Why the monkey only lies
But pay the pauper, he did choose
He hung his head inside the noose

I've seen the man use the needle, seen the needle use that man
I've seen them crawl from the cradle to the coffin on their hands
They fight a war but it's fatal, it's so hard to understand
I've seen the man use the needle, seen the needle in his hand
Cryptic writing on the wall, the beginning of the end
I've seen myself use the needle, seen the needle in my hand

Solo - Friedman

I've seen the man use the needle, seen the needle use the man
I've seen them crawl from the cradle to the gutter on their hands
They fight a war but it's fatal, it's so hard to understand
I've seen the man use the needle, seen the needle use the man
In my hand!

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Описание песни с точки зрения нейросети

"Этот текст рассказывает о человеке, который потерял волю к жизни и умер от последствий наркотиков. Он оставил за собой список планов и фотографий, но никогда не сможет их осуществить. Песня описывает как человек падает в пропасть зависимости от иглы и как наркотики разрушают его жизнь. В конце песни автор говорит о том, что сам видел, как игла использовала человека, и как он сам попадал в эту ситуацию."

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Просмотры: 450

Альбом "Cryptic Writings" (1997)


События сегодня4 декабря