
Megadeth - текст песни "Addicted to Chaos"

Addicted to Chaos

Only yesterday they told me you were gone
All these normal people, will I find another one?
Monkey on my back, aching in my bones
I forgot you said "One day you'll walk alone"
I said I need you, does that make me wrong?
Am I a weak man? Are you feeling strong?
My heart was blackened, it's bloody red
A hole in my heart, a hole in my head

Who will help me up?
Where's the helping hand?
Will you turn on me?
Is this my final stand?

In a dream I cannot see
Tangled abstract fallacy
Random turmoil builds in me
I'm addicted to chaos

Solo - Friedman

Light shined on my path, turn bad days into good
Turn breakdowns into blocks, smashed them 'cause I could
My brain was labored, my head would spin
Don't let me down, don't give up, don't give in
The rain comes down, the cold wind blows
The plans we made are back up on the road
Turn up my collar, welcome the unknown
Remember that you said "one day you'll walk alone"

Who will help me up?
Where's the helping hand?
Will you turn on me?
Is this my final stand?

In a dream I cannot see
Tangled abstract fallacy
Random turmoil builds in me
I'm addicted to chaos

Solo - Friedman

Who will help me up?
Where's the helping hand?
Will you turn on me?
Is this my final stand?

In a dream I cannot see, in a dream I cannot see
Tangled abstract fallacy, tangled abstract fallacy
Random turmoil builds in me, random turmoil builds in me
Oh, it builds and builds and builds

In a dream I cannot see, in a dream I cannot see
Tangled abstract fallacy, tangled abstract fallacy
Random turmoil builds in me, random turmoil builds in me
I'm addicted to the, I'm addicted to the chaos
Addicted to chaos

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Описание песни с точки зрения нейросети

"Этот текст песни о чувстве потери, о том, как сложно справиться с уходом любимого человека. Главный герой испытывает боль и разочарование, он задается вопросами о своей слабости, стойкости и силе своих чувств. Он ощущает хаос в своей душе и зависимость от этого состояния. Ему тяжело принять реальность и мир без того, кого он любил, и он старается найти способы справиться с этим болезненным переживанием."

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