
Megadeth - текст песни "This Was My Life"

This Was My Life

It was just another day
It was just another fight
It was words strung into sentences
It was doomed to not be right

There is something wrong with me
There is something wrong with you
There is nothing left of us
There is one thing I can do

Lying on your bed
Examining my head
This is the part of me that hates
Paybacks are a bitch
I throw the switch
Somewhere an electric chair awaits

Hey! This was my life
Hey! This was my fate

This was the wrong thing to do
This was the wrong one to be doing
This was the road to destiny
This was the road to my ruin

Now there's motives for the suspect
Now there's nothing left to say
Now there's method to the madness
Now there's society to pay

Lying on your bed
Examining my head
This is the part of me that hates
Paybacks are a bitch
I throw the switch
Somewhere an electric chair awaits

Hey! This was my life
Hey! This was my fate

In our life there is "if"
In our beliefs there is "lie"
In our business there is "sin"
In our bodies there is "die"

Solo - Mustaine

This was my life
This was my fate

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Описание песни с точки зрения нейросети

"Эта песня рассказывает о человеке, который осознает, что его жизнь была испорчена и он сам виноват в этом. Он понимает, что совершил ошибки, которые привели его к гибели. В тексте также упоминается о том, что у него есть ненависть к себе и к другому человеку, и что он готов платить за свои поступки. Он осознает, что в жизни много "если", много лжи, грехов и смерти. В конце концов он понимает, что это была его жизнь и его судьба."

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