Guilt Machine

Guilt Machine - текст песни "Season of Denial"

Season of Denial

One voice inside
(I know who you are)
One feeling you hide
(This is the season of denial)
You're in control
(Don't ask me how I am)
Your cracks start to show
(There's someone laughing from afar)

Turn around and face the darker side of you
(The one you hide)
Turn around the face the damage that you do
(In the season of denial)

Too cold to feel
(I know what you've done)
In motion surreal
(This is the season of the hollow)
Who are you now?
(I am for you to name)
You're on your way down
(You're somewhere very close to hell)

Turn around and face the darker side of you
(The one you hide)
Turn around the face the damage that you do
(In the season of denial)

I will remember you
Keep the pain alive
A vision of black and blue
Fading into white

I will remember you
Keep the pain alive
A vision of black and blue
Fading into white

A weight of years... before the storm begins
Saturate the rain-dark sky
Wake in fear and face the dream that might have been
The dream you still deny

You don't remember when, you don't remember where
A faded stranger in a photograph
Half-seen faces whisper shapeless unaware
Silent echoes of what's come to pass

You know you can't return, you know you can't relive
As you wasted wreckage falls apart
Familiar places where you know must have been
In your heart of darkest hearts

I will remember you
Keep the pain alive
A vision of black and blue
Fading into white

I will remember you
Keep the pain alive
A vision of black and blue

One voice inside
One feeling you hide
Turn around and face the darker side of you
(The one you hide)
Turn around the face the damage that you do
Turn around the face the damage that you do
Turn around the face the damage that you do

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Описание песни с точки зрения нейросети

"Этот текст песни "Season of Denial" говорит о человеке, который скрывает свои истинные чувства и эмоции за маской контроля. Он пытается отрицать свои ошибки и проблемы, но внутри себя он знает, что не все в порядке. Песня призывает его пересмотреть свои поступки, столкнуться с темными сторонами своей личности и принять ответственность за нанесенный вред. В конце песни говорится о том, что невозможно вернуться в прошлое и исправить ошибки, но важно помнить свои ошибки и из них учиться. Исполнитель обещает сохранить боль и воспоминания о прошлом, чтобы не повторить те же ошибки."

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Альбом "On This Perfect Day" (2009)


События сегодня2 мая