Guilt Machine

Guilt Machine - текст песни "Twisted Coil"

Twisted Coil

Slide down into the silence
Numb the day away
Move closer to a memory
Feel it slip away

Your sun is smiling on my ashes
On this perfect day
(Shut down the guilt machine and wash your conscience clean of yesterday)

Drown the ocean
Drain the sky
Wash the color from the sun
Still the thunder
Derail the Earth
Burn the stars out one by one
...We come undone

Breathe deeply of your essence
Stir the scars beneath
Sing sweet a song so deathless
You belong to me
Life shivers in the distance
Wish it all away

Your sun is smiling on my ashes
On this perfect day
(Shut down the guilt machine and wash your conscience clean of yesterday)

Drown the ocean
Drain the sky
Wash the color from the sun
Still the thunder
Derail the Earth
Burn the stars out one by one
...We come undone

Accusations run astray
Inside the guilt machine
Turning tension's twisted coil
Till nothing's left of me
Words unspoken feed the lie
Smile and say you're doing fine today

Conversation makes no sense
All logic stripped away
Situation's out of hand
In amber disarray
Words unspoken feed the lie
Another pill... you're doing fine today

Did you dream distant skies
And thirst to roam and wander?
Did you die silently inside?
Did you think you'd find the answer
Behind the light?
Did you think you'd find a way
To disconnect your favourite pain?

Disengage and justify
To wash away the pain
Medicate and victimize
To purge you pure again
Words unspoken feed the lie
Drink it down... you're doing fine today

Something snaps at 4.05
One Friday afternoon
Turning tension's twisted coil
Till nothing's left of you
Words unspoken seal the lie
One small step... you'll soon be fine today

Did you dream distant skies
And thirst to roam and wander?
Did you die silently inside?
Did you think you'd find the answer
Behind the light?
Did you think you'd find a way
To disconnect your favourite pain?

Did you dream distant skies
And thirst to roam and wander?
Did you die silently inside?
Did you think you'd find the answer
Behind the light?
Did you think you'd find a way
To disconnect your favourite pain?

Life shivers in the distance
Wish it all away
Your sun is smiling on my ashes
On this perfect day
(Shut down the guilt machine and wash your conscience clean of yesterday)

Drown the ocean
Drain the sky
Wash the color from the sun
Still the thunder
Derail the Earth
Burn the stars out one by one

Drown the ocean
Drain the sky
Wash the color from the sun
Still the thunder
Derail the Earth
Burn the stars out one by one

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"Этот текст песни "Twisted Coil" о жизни и смерти, о том, как мы стараемся избежать боли и страданий, как мы пытаемся забыть свои проблемы и настоящие чувства. В песне описывается борьба с внутренними демонами, с чувствами вины и страха, с собственной уязвимостью. Акцент делается на том, что часто мы стараемся скрыть свои истинные чувства и эмоции, и продолжаем делать вид, что всё в порядке. Но все мы должны столкнуться с нашей собственной болью и справиться с ней, чтобы исцелиться и найти покой."

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Альбом "On This Perfect Day" (2009)


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