Pain of salvation

Pain of salvation - текст песни "Enter Rain"

Enter Rain

In just a year another storm will come
To wash away an inch more blood
Its lack of hatred, politics or creed
Left us blind, open wide, our gun hands tied
For this old world has seen the worst of us
Its love worn thinner by the day
And every ounce of havoc, that we wreaked upon it
Got the best of us, oh, and the rest is for us

Let it rain...

Enter rain...
Exit pain

In seven years ago I'll see a man
A moment stretched out over years
His eyes just flicker and then something changed
An empty cage, a crimson bud, sprung out in mud
Let it rain
In just ten minutes I will see a child
Buying milk all dressed up in rags
And without thinking he will cover up his naked hand
To the cold, oh, and that gives me hope

Let it rain...

Enter rain...
Exit pain

And the rain will wash us to the bone
Leaving thousands in its trail
Cleansing all the flesh wounds
Of our time, of every crime
Of every pound of dust and grime

In two seconds I will hit the ground
A moment stretched out over years
And my eyes will flicker and then something has changed
An empty cage, a crimson bud, a street of blood
A city rose sprung out to greet the rain

You'll never remember my name
But I will love you just the same
You'll never remember my name
But I love you just the same
Just the same
Just the same
You'll never remember my name
But I love you just the same
Just the same

Enter rain...
(a city rose)
(a street of blood)

In two seconds I will hit the ground...

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Описание песни с точки зрения нейросети

""Enter Rain" - это песня о изменениях, которые приносит дождь. В тексте описывается, как дождь приходит и очищает мир от зла, ненависти и разрушений. Поэтому главное послание песни - надежда на лучшее, ожидание перемен к лучшему, какими бы непростыми они ни были. Дождь символизирует изменения и принятие нового, оставляя старое позади. Музыкальное произведение переносит нас на фон разных историй и моментов в жизни людей, которые испытывают те же переменные, что и природа."

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