After Forever

After Forever - текст песни "Blind Pain"

Blind Pain

(Child) Everything keeps getting worse
The terror at home, the dread at school
I mustn't count on much support,
I'm still locked out; it's up to me,
how to face the teasing and the pain
Hate, one thing we have in common
Play your game

Beat me, hurt me
A physical release from mental pain
Don't make me explode in your way

(Contemplative) This is a chain of torture,
a line of pain, no other way to show how you feel
This is the rebel in her, the torment from him,
the absence of help, the mother's care

(Child) Rage, it burns all around us
Blind pain
So abuse is only weakness
It feels more like a cry of distress, an act of incapacity
Feel the threat
Feel the oppressed ambience of having no place to go,
no one who'll take care of my salvation

(Contemplative) This is a chain of torture,
a line of pain, no other way to show how you feel
This is the rebel in her, the torment from him,
the absence of help, the mother's care

(Child) Here comes the final episode
of terror and pain, abuse and hope
Here comes the fight between us all
A fight between a love long gone
I'm to blame, but it's their own blind pain

Spoken outro:

(Mother) Now look where you and your selfish ambitions have gotten us! It's never been worse! You gotta work, work work, come back without even noticing me or that ignorant kid of yours! You only think about yourself.

(Father) I only think about myself, it's me again? You self-centered bitch! You're the one complaining all the time, but when that kid freaks out, who's supposed to take care of her, huh?! Besides, it's not my child! Wasn't it ours, our little 'saviour' of a love we never had? A fucking...

(Mother) Yeah, there is no 'us' anymore, darling! Ever since she was born and I was left at your apparment raising her, I think about all I ever dreamed of because of 'our' decisions! We both should have made compromises, but the only one who did was me!

(Father) Oh, there you go again! You feel awfully sorry for yourself; why don't you take a look at my side of the story for once?

(Mother) Ah, yeah sure, 'your side'... well, excuse the fuck out of me for being in your way! A child you never wanted, living in a smaller house than you've ever dreamed of, and all the while I'm getting old and ugly, right? You must really long for somebody young and fresh, or if this means already...

(Father) Enough!! Don't you dare accuse me of being unfaithful! That's how you ruined my loyalty; I can't believe I once fell in love with a...

(Mother) Oh, neither can I, you bastard! Neither can I! And loyal? I dind't know you're familiar with that word!

(Father) There's a lot you don't know, a lot you'll never understand! We've lost contact, baby.

(Mother) Oh yeah, really? Well, that doesn't seem to bother you. Why don't you just go on? Go, go! Drift off away on that little island of yours and don't forget to drown on your way to a better life!!

(Father) Maybe I will, maybe I will! I'd rather drown than be locked up with such a freaed up bith and a freaky daughter! I can't believe we're still holding a conversation about something so stupid!!

(Mother) Fine, go! Just GO!! Drown! I hope it'll be slow and painful!

(Father) Shut your fucking mouth!

(Mother) Asshole... Asshole!

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"Этот текст песни "Blind Pain" рассказывает о том, как ребенок сталкивается с ужасом дома и страхом в школе, не имея надежной поддержки. Он описывает боль и издевательства, с которыми приходится столкнуться, и отмечает отсутствие помощи и заботы со стороны родителей. В песне также фигурирует разговор между мамой и папой, в котором они обвиняют друг друга в эгоизме и неудачных решениях, приводящих к страданиям и мучениям. В итоге, текст отражает тему насилия, боли и разрушения внутри семьи."

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