After Forever

After Forever - текст песни "Sins of Idealism"

Sins of Idealism

(Child) Hello father, hello mother;
there is so much I don't get
Please don't be mad at me; I will try harder,
I'll really do the best I can
(Mother) That's not enough
You're the cause of my domestic captivity

(Child) And I will close my eyes and fantasize
of a world that's not so cold
(Mother) That's how it will be
Suffer the causes of my personal misery
I've sacrificed my beauty,
my freedom, my dreams,
the independent me

(Child) Hello father, hello mother;
Don't blame me for things I didn't do
Yes, I will go now and I'll be silent;
please stop your screaming, and love me
(Mother) That's all you can see
Speak of love while you've ruined
what's meant to be

(Child) And then I'll close my eyes
to fantasize of a world
Where I can be free
And free to be

(Contemplative) Sinner or righteous,
the line is so thin
Can you condemn it
Can you be the one to judge it all
Or accuse yourself if the sentence is your life?

(Child) Hello father, hello mother;
forgive me for standing in your way
I just wanted someone who'd hold me and listen,
are these illusions, are they
(Mother) Only fantasies?
Imagine how my life could have been
I would still have my beauty,
my freedom, my dreams,
the independent me

(Contemplative) Our course in life is a path we must take alone
No one can choose what to do,
only you, so the sins we commit are the struggles within
There is no judge to decide what is right, what is wrong

Tell me, can you live in freedom
knowing that your choice hurt someone

(Father) Once we had a life and now we have you
The saviour of love is a catastrophe
I'll leave you both if I must give up my dreams
My chances aren't here with you
I won't be chained because of this

The sins of all, the sinner in me
I follow my dreams, you call it blasphemy
If my ideals are sins
To me they are the strength within
Then I shall stay a sinner

(Child) I can be free
And free to be

(Contemplative) Sinner or righteous,
the line is so thin
Can you condemn it
Can you be the one to judge it all
Or accuse yourself if the sentence is your life?

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"Данный текст песни "Sins of Idealism" рассказывает о сложных отношениях между родителями и их ребенком. В тексте рассматривается тема идеализма и греха, связанного с невыполнением ожиданий и жертв. Ребенок просит прощения за то, что стоит на пути своих родителей, но ищет заботу и внимание. Родители же испытывают разочарование в жизни, видя в своем потомке причину своих неудач и утрат. В конечном итоге, текст песни подчеркивает важность свободы выбора и принятия ответственности за свои поступки, не взирая на мнение окружающих."

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