
Metallica - текст песни "The Four Horsemen"

The Four Horsemen

By the last breath of the fourth winds blow
Better raise your ears
The sound of hooves knocks at your door
Lock up your wife and children now
It's time to wield the blade
For now you have got some company

The Horsemen are drawing nearer
On the leather steeds they ride
They have come to take your life
On through the dead of night
With the four Horsemen ride
Or choose your fate and die

You have been dying since the day
You were born
You know it has all been planned
The quartet of deliverance rides
A sinner once a sinner twice
No need for confession now
Cause now you have got the fight of your life

The Horsemen are drawing nearer
On the leather steeds they ride
They have come to take your life
On through the dead of night
With the four Horsemen ride
Or choose your fate and die

has taken its toll on you
The lines that crack your face
Your body it has torn through
Withered in every place
For what you have had to endure
And what you have put others through
Deliverance for you for sure
There is nothing you can do

So gather round young warriors now
And saddle up your steeds
Killing scores with demon swords
Now is the death of doers of wrong
Swing the judgment hammer down
Safely inside armor blood guts and sweat

The Horsemen are drawing nearer
On the leather steeds they ride
They have come to take your life
On through the dead of night
With the four Horsemen ride
Or choose your fate and die

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Описание песни с точки зрения нейросети

"Смысл текста песни "The Four Horsemen" заключается в описании приближения четырех всадников апокалипсиса, символизирующих войну, голод, чуму и смерть. Песня говорит о том, что судьба каждого человека уже предопределена, и никому не уйти от наказания за свои поступки. Всадники приближаются, чтобы взять жизнь каждого, кто не сделал достойного выбора в жизни. Текст также призывает молодых воинов принять свое предназначение и сразиться со злом, несущим смерть и разрушение. Песня наполнена метафорами и символикой, вызывая чувство страха и неизбежности судьбы."

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