I get high out the window
And I don't tell my mom
I mix you with my vodka
And it turns me on
There's a hole in my heart and I can't find the bullet
But you sleep with the firearm
I should've pulled it on you
What a shame, I can see it all
Now that we're through
I get drunk with my friends
Your name never comes up
I tell strangers online
That we broke up
There's a hole in my heart and I hate that it's there
'Cause I liked to act like I really don't care
But I do
What a shame that I put up with you
What a joke, was it all just an act?
I hate that it took me so long to react
You had me convinced that you loved me
What a fucked up reality show
Was it fame or the lack thereof?
I just don't know
You had me convinced that you loved me, oh
I'm not sure you realize
The pain that you caused
I don't feel like talking
But everyone else does
There's a hole in my heart and I can't find the bullet
But you sleep with the firearm
I should've pulled it on you
Now I don't have the energy to
Еще никто не добавил описание песни Firearm. Опереди всех, предложи описание и получи вознаграждение (+3 к силе).
"Этот текст песни "Firearm" рассказывает о сложных отношениях и разочаровании в любви. Герой песни говорит о том, что он пьет и курит, чтобы забыть свою боль и страдания. Он чувствует пустоту в своем сердце и не может найти пулю, которая вызвала эту боль. Он жалеет, что не смог прервать отношения раньше и прожил слишком долго в ложных надеждах на любовь партнера. Герой песни чувствует боль и разочарование, но признает, что не может больше терпеть обман."
Нейросеть выдала что-то не то? Поделись правильным описанием песни в комментариях.
Aruni (134) | 3 |
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