Lizzy McAlpine

Lizzy McAlpine - текст песни "Weird"

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I've been having strange dreams
Seeing ghosts and breaking things
Room's on fire as I sit and watch it melt around me
I've been hosting screenings
Of slightly altered movie scenes
Seems familiar 'til I realize that they look just like me

Where am I? I can't find the door
How long have I been here for
Where the houses all can talk
And I don't mind the creaky floors

And now we're in a basement
I feel wasted and I'm sure
That you'll kiss me anyway
That'll be just the thing to wake me

Maybe I'm weird or maybe I'm off the wall
But maybe it's weirder not to have dreamed at all

Birthday to you

I can walk through walls now
Quietly I roam the halls
Suddenly I'm ten feet tall and I can touch the ceiling
I think I scared you off now
I'm regretting getting close hoping
It was just a ghost that sorta looked just like you

Where am I? I can't find the door
How long have I been here for
Where the houses all can talk
And I don't mind the creaky floors

And now I'm in a maze
Down in this basement and I'm sure
That you'll miss me anyway
That'll be just the thing to wake me

Maybe I'm weird or maybe I'm off the wall
But maybe it's weirder not to have dreamed at all
Maybe I'm weird or maybe I'm off the wall
But maybe it's weirder not to have dreamed at all

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Описание песни с точки зрения нейросети

"Этот текст песни "Weird" описывает странные сновидения и чувство нереальности. Певец рассказывает о своих странных снах, где видит призраков и разрушает вещи, а также о фантастических сценах из фильмов, которые напоминают ему самого. Он ощущает потерю реальности, где дома могут говорить, полы скрипят, а он может проходить сквозь стены и касаться потолка. Музыкант ощущает смешанные эмоции, но при этом понимает, что может быть странным не видеть сны вовсе."

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