Pain of salvation

Pain of salvation - текст песни "Keen To A Fault"

Keen To A Fault
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There's a spot up in the ceiling
I'm staring at when we touch
It is not that I'm not feeling
I'm feelin' too much

There's this moment when you're thinking
That I am not fully here
It is not that I am not listening
I'm listenin' to

Everything that's all around
The constant movement of the sky and ground
Your voice just simply one of a thousand little sounds

The roaring rivers of my mind
We're fractals of the tide, our scope but pixel wide
And you think I fail to see your side?

Human, human, precious thing
The center of your everything
Concluding therefore that you must be interesting
You talk about your jobs and dreams
Your relatives, vacation plans, and football teams
My mind just swiftly flows upstreams

Every time I close my eyes
I can hear the roar
A thousand voices telling me
You're heading for a fall
Every day you lecture me
On measure and control
I cut my wings to keep you near
'Cause I'm keen to a fault

You keep talking about focus
Keep narrowing down my view
But I feel so much more broken
When I think like you

Where you used to see dysfunction
You must learn to see me
I was born for multithreading
Born to the stars

I was born to dream

'Cause every time I close my eyes
I can hear the roar
A thousand voices telling me
We're heading for a fall
You always try to pull me back
'Cause you're afraid to fall
I spread my wings to keep you safe
'Cause I'm keen to a fault

There's a spot up in the ceiling

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Описание песни с точки зрения нейросети

"Этот текст описывает внутренний конфликт главного героя, который чувствует себя изолированным и непонятым в своих чувствах и мыслях. Он привык воспринимать мир и свою жизнь на более широком уровне, нежели окружающие его люди, которые стремятся его сдержать и оттянуть его к реальности. Он чувствует себя "неприспособленным" в этом мире, но при этом продолжает бороться за свою свободу мысли и мечты, несмотря на все препятствия и критику вокруг."

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