
Louna - текст песни "Storming Heaven"

Storming Heaven
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Them - The ones who led the war
And with their lives ignored
What rules mean

Them - The ones who gave their light
And faded into night
So cruelly

This is their song - It goes out to them
Those whose memory will live without end
And who flew to the stars in a thorned crown
And these words are what we give to them
Twenty seven - did they know back then
That the tick of the clock was their countdown

To all the warriors - To the the destroyers
They'll always be more than heroes to me

Hail to the warriors who spoke with wisdom
Hail the destroyers who broke the system
Hail to them all for the battles they fought
To the ones who died young but live inside our hearts

This song goes out to all of those who
Win the world yes but in the end lose
And whose candles are too brightly burning
And these words are what we give to them
Twenty seven is too soon to end
Are they watching us now as they're laughing

To all the warriors - To the the destroyers
They'll always be more than heroes to me

Hail to the warriors who spoke with wisdom
Hail the destroyers who broke the system
Hail to them all for the battles they fought
To the ones who died young but live inside our hearts

The ones who led the war
And with their lives ignored
What rules mean
Them - The ones who gave their light
And faded into night
So cruelly

Them - The ones who led the war
And with their lives ignored
What rules mean
Them - The ones who gave their light
And faded into night
So cruelly

This song goes out to all of those who
Change the world - yes - but left it too soon
But still something was left to remind us
And these words are what we give to them
Twenty seven is too soon to end
But they all still survive - They're inside us

Them - The ones who led the war
And with their lives ignored
What rules mean
Them - Who walked the path of love
then stormed the gates above
They're never dead

Hail to the warriors who spoke with wisdom
Hail the destroyers who broke the system
Hail to them all for the battles they fought
To the ones who died young Storming heaven in their hearts

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Описание песни с точки зрения нейросети

"Текст песни "Storming Heaven" отражает почитание тех, кто стал символами молодости, света и борьбы против установленных норм. Он посвящен людям, которые ушли слишком рано, оставив свой след в сердцах живущих. Песня призывает воспевать воинов, которые проявляли мудрость, и разрушителей, которые нарушали систему. Текст подчеркивает, что эти люди продолжают жить в наших сердцах и что их дух "штурмует небеса"."

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Просмотры: 259

Альбом "Behind a Mask" (2013)


События сегодня21 декабря