
Louna - текст песни "Let's Get Louder"

Let's Get Louder
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Together days blend, they make their own rhyme
Wait for the weekend everytime
When they steal a choise, we still have our voice

And it will survive inside of us all

Tonight traverse the divide
Let 'em know that nothing can stop us
Listen as our worlds collide
And the thunder strikes for us tonight
No matter what they decide
We will always know who it is we are
It's time they all realize that we'll never stop
Let's get louder

Spiderweb systems spin out from fate's loom
Same down old routine, it's our tomb
Caught up in this web, we can't escape from
The tide of years ebb, what have we become

Tonight traverse the divide
Let 'em know that nothing can stop us
Listen as our worlds collide
And the thunder strikes for us tonight
No matter what they decide
We will always know who it is we are
It's time they all realize that we'll never stop
Let's get louder

Let's get louder

No matter what they decide
We will always know who it is we are
It's time they all realize that we'll never stop
Let's get louder

Tonight destroy the devide
Cause together nothing can stop us
Tonight it's time that we tried
To make thunder strike, this is our night
No matter what they decide
We will always know who it is we are
It's time they all realize that we'll never stop
Let's get louder

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Описание песни с точки зрения нейросети

"Эта песня говорит о том, что люди должны быть сильными и не останавливаться перед никакими препятствиями. Они должны говорить своим голосом и следовать своим мечтам. Несмотря на то, что мы можем быть захвачены повседневностью, это не значит, что мы не можем изменить ситуацию. Вместе мы можем преодолеть различия, которые разделяют нас. Мы должны стать громче и объединиться, чтобы добиться успеха в своих усилиях. Это наша ночь, и мы должны заставить гром громко зазвучать."

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Просмотры: 194

Альбом "Behind a Mask" (2013)
