
Metallica - текст песни "Lords Of Summer"

Lords Of Summer

Pale riders into the night
Galloping harder and faster

Through your dreaming wake
Walk through the fire innate
Frost bitten soul below zero

Are you remembering the sound
Recall the shaking of the ground

Calling, calling
All as one
Lords of summer bring the sun

Coming, coming
Winter's yearn
Lords of summer shall return

Eternal thawing has begun
Come trade your darkness for the sun
Melting the chill of winter's turn
For soon the lords of summer shall return

Lords of summer shall return

Life passes through penetrate
It's been a long lonely winter

Fading the volume and light
Reanimated by fire

Become the nexus of the sound
Become the shaking of the ground

Calling, calling
All as one
Lords of summer bring the sun

Coming, coming
Winter's yearn
Lords of summer have returned

Eternal thawing has begun
Come trade your darkness for the sun
Melting the chill of winter's turn
Now that the lords of summer have returned

Lords of summer have returned

Calling, calling
All as one
Lords of summer bring the sun

Coming, coming
Winter's yearn
Lords of summer have returned, have returned

Eternal thawing has begun
Come trade your darkness for the sun
Melting the chill of winter's turn
Now that the lords of summer have returned

Lords of summer have returned

Описание песни


Описание песни с точки зрения нейросети

"Смысл песни "Lords Of Summer" заключается в описании прихода лета после длительной зимы. Текст говорит о том, как летние лорды приносят солнце и тепло, растопляя холод зимы и пробуждая природу. В песне также говорится о преобразовании и возрождении, о том, как лето приносит свет и радость после темного времени зимы. Лорды лета символизируют изменение времени, приход новой энергии и жизни."

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