
Epica - текст песни "Delirium"


Black was the night when I did surrender
I did give in to my weakening sight
Now that I'm empty my dreams once were many
Soul's bitter cry to unleash the divine
When you think there's no way out
And all you see collides
Hope will in the end chase all your fears away
Fighting the source was not recommended
Trails of a wish were the hope to survive
Skins full ablazing release crystal gazing
All of it led to a deeper demise
When you think there's no way out
And no one comprehends
Hope will show your smile again
What I left behind
Another night
Of weary dreams, unravelling
What's been left behind
Another time
Where days of late are far away
Far away
Losing my reasons,
No lies to believe in
Left the obscure to
The means of escape
Core has been shaken,
There is no more pain to break me
Time has commenced and I long to awake
When you think there's no way out
Leave everything behind
You can live your life anew
What I left behind
Another night
Of weary dreams, unravelling
What's been left behind
Another time
Where days of late are far away
Far away
Dark days behind me
Won't ever break me now
All that I left behind
Another night
Of weary dreams, unravelling
What's been left behind
Another time
Where days of late are far away
Far away
Just another night
In another time

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Описание песни с точки зрения нейросети

"Текст песни "Delirium" говорит о том, как автор сдался и погрузился во тьму, чувствуя, что его мечты и надежды исчезли. Но, несмотря на это, надежда все-таки приходит и изгоняет страхи. Он описывает свои борьбы и препятствия, которые он преодолел, и как он стал более сильным из-за них. В конце концов, он понимает, что надо оставить все позади и начать жить заново, освободившись от боли и проблем. Текст песни также призывает не бояться перемен и верить в себя."

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