
Sunsay - текст песни "Keep On"

Keep On

I don't care 'bout what you wearing
No better time for sharing than now
Inside we are the same
We don't need to have more that one aim

Through traps and cages disparity of ages
I'm not comparing I don't care what you wearing

We are the soul keepers take off your fluffy slippers and walk
On the broken glass of life no more honey for the bees in the hive
Trough curses and blessing between party's and lessons
I'm hearing i'm seeing i am a human being

Keep on, keep on, keep it on, keep on, keep on
Keep on, keep on, keep it on, Living!

By passing by passing guess now guess who's guesting
No better place for season too feel the main reason
No thoughts no wishes disgusting not delicious
I'm not competing I don't care watch you eating

Every minute is the gift, every minute is gold
Life as fast as food but I'm not hungry at all
You can take it as it comes or jump off the wall
Every minute is the gift, every minute is gold

If you know what I'm about forget your thrills
It's just you and me through the time that kills
We don't needed be tie up but to be a drift
Every minute is the gold, every minute is a gift, say!

Keep on, keep on, keep it on, keep on, keep on
Keep on, keep on, keep it on, Living!

There is no finish, so forget about the start.
We are together, we are apart

Keep on Keep on Keep it up Keep on Keep on...Leave

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Описание песни с точки зрения нейросети

"Смысл песни "Keep On" заключается в том, что важно оставаться верным себе и не обращать внимания на внешние материальные вещи. Внутри мы все одинаковы и не нужно стремиться к чему-то большему, чем быть собой. В песне говорится о том, что жизнь полна препятствий и различий, но необходимо оставаться человечным и двигаться вперед. Каждая минута жизни - это драгоценный подарок, и важно ценить каждый момент. Важно помнить, что мы вместе, хотя и раздельно. В конце песни призывается продолжать двигаться вперед и жить полной жизнью."

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