Anneke van Giersbergen

Anneke van Giersbergen - текст песни "The World"

The World

Are you not in love with what you do?
Are you not aware of what you are capable of?
Are we just a victim of ourselves?
Shall we turn around and make it better?

The world is on a verge,
We heal our wounds.
The world is on a verge,
We heal our wounds.

Is it that you hardly know her name?
Is it that you long for something better than this?
Is it that we just forgot ourselves?
Can we turn around and make it better?

The season of rising soul,
I lead as a lying soul,
I preach as a mighty soul.
What is surprise at all?
The season of rising soul,
I lead as a lying soul,
I preach as a mighty soul.
What is surprise at all?

Do you stand behind all that you say?
Does it metter if you will be ready or not?
We are going out in other way.
We are going to change and make it better.

The season of rising soul,
I lead as a lying soul,
I preach as a mighty soul.
What is surprise at all?
The season of rising soul,
I lead as a lying soul,
I preach as a mighty soul.
What is surprise at all?

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Описание песни с точки зрения нейросети

"Этот текст песни говорит о важности того, чтобы любить то, чем мы занимаемся, быть осознанными своих способностей и не становиться жертвами самих себя. Песня призывает задуматься о том, что мы можем сделать мир лучше, и что мы способны перестроиться и достичь этого. В ней также звучит идея о том, что мы должны быть готовы к переменам и не оставаться на месте, а двигаться вперед и делать мир лучше."

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Альбом "Live in Europe" (2010)


"The World" на других альбомах

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