Blind Guardian

Blind Guardian - текст песни "Control the Divine"

Control the Divine

For what I was
I'm doomed to be
The tempter and the secret foe
Cause I am hell and hell is me
Pure hate will grow

Still I claim to be the chosen one and
still I claim
This is rebellion rising

first amongst equals
We're bound to no law
There's no one before us
Ethereal sons
Now disobey
Awake and arise
You'll be free

How can we take it away
From someone who has no right?
No right to control the divine
Night shall invade
Suspicion awakes
Wherefore he's grater than I

Stay silent
Until the end of the world
So just like slaves we may deem him
Dead silence
Until the end of the world
Hence from this moment we're doomed
I feel
It hurts though
Disburdened spirits we will be
I've learned my lesson
Pure and sore
And offer divine
We're far beneath them

They consider us slaves
They steal our pride
Don't trust them blindly
Cause truth they conceal
As it seems
I'll reign
Cause here in my tower
Impassioned, I'll show you a way
I can feel your hallowed rage
Now enter my realm
Awake and arise, you'll be free

How can we take it away
From someone who has no right?
No right to control the divine
Night shall invade
Suspicion awakes
Wherefore he's grater than I

Descend - just keep moving
all things shall proceed
It's freedom you're choosing
Preserve our hate
Awake and arise
To be free

How can we take it away
From someone who has no right?
No right to control the divine
Night shall invade
Suspicion awakes
Wherefore he's grater than I
How can we take it away
From someone who has no right?
No right to control the divine
Night shall invade
Suspicion awakes
Wherefore he's grater than I

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Описание песни с точки зрения нейросети

"Этот текст песни "Control the Divine" рассказывает о борьбе за свободу и против подавления. Говорится о том, что искушенность и зло всегда будут присутствовать в мире, но важно не дать им контролировать нас. В тексте также говорится о том, что мы, как люди, не должны позволять кому-то контролировать божественное в нас и лишать нас права на свободу. В песне также описывается борьба за свободу и право на независимость, против подавления и обмана. Автор призывает к пробуждению и восстанию, чтобы быть свободными и не поддаваться на уговоры и ложь."

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Альбом "At the Edge of Time" (2010)


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