Blind Guardian

Blind Guardian - текст песни "Curse my Name"

Curse my Name

The tenure of kings and their magistrales
By good men it must be deposed
The convenant made can be voided at once
Disappoint him, take his crown

They plead for their king
And they pity their lord
Put him to death, that's what I say

Though never so just these dancing divines
Endue him with reason and grace
They're gibberish
Words dissemble the facts
God's will
They falsely will claim

Let him curse my name
On these blood stained pages of misery
Let him call me a tyrant so cruel
Let him curse my name
But remember the truth

So there they come
From everywhere
They witness revenge
Hear them calling
"You're laden with blood
It's spilled everywhere
And sorrow's everlasting

Oh you'll be aware now
That trial is near
It's close at hand
The masquerade is over
It ends
Remove his crown
and bring him down
Now we shall mourn no longer
Our prayers they've been heard
There's no more league
That will bind us to the tyrant
Our voices shall be heard
Cause we won't take it anymore

And we're one we are the nation
And we're one we are the law"

Falsely they praise
Deify his majesty
"He's blessed the anointed's
Fulfilling god's will"
Curse them all
No further he's king
Providence brought him straight into our hands

Let him curse my name
On these blood stained pages of misery
Let him call me a tyrant so cruel
Let him curse my name But remember the truth

Now let him appear
There's joy in the air
Now witness a new age is dawning
In trouble alone
He's facing despair
Awaiting his bitter ending

We all know he's guilty as charged
By punishment due to his crime
We sacrifice the wicked king
Acknowledged by scriptures and law

Let him curse my name
On these blood stained pages of misery
Let him call me a tyrant so cruel
Let him curse my name But remember the truth
On these blood stained pages of misery
Let him call me a tyrant so cruel
Let him curse my name But remember the truth
We won't take it anymore
Our voice it shall be heard
But I will remember the truth
We won't take it anymore
Our voice it shall be heard
But I will remember the truth

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Описание песни с точки зрения нейросети

"Текст песни "Curse my Name" рассказывает о бунте против тирана, о людях, которые восстают против короля, который причиняет им страдания и несправедливость. Люди призывают к свержению короля, поклянутся не терпеть больше его угнетения. Они говорят, что правда победит и что они больше не могут терпеть тиранию. Песня призывает к справедливости и к свободе от угнетения."

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