
Sting - текст песни "Stolen Car (Take Me Dancing)"

Stolen Car (Take Me Dancing)

Late at night in summer heat. Expensive car, empty street
There's a wire in my jacket. This is my trade
It only takes a moment, don't be afraid
I can hotwire an ignition like some kind of star
I'm just a poor boy in a rich man's car
So I whisper to the engine, flick on the lights
And we drive into the night

Oh the smell of the leather always excited my imagination
And I picture myself in this different situation
I'm a company director, two kids and a wife
I get the feeling that there's more to this one's life
There's some kind of complication, he tells her he's alone
Spends the night with his lover, there's a trace of her cologne
And the words of his mistress, as she whispers them so near
Start ringing in my ear

Please take me dancing tonight I've been all on my own
You promised one day we could its, what you said on the phone
I'm just a prisoner of love always hid from the light
Take me dancing, please take me dancing tonight

I imagine his wife, she don't look nothing like a fool
She picks the kids up form some private school
She remembers what he told her, he was late and worked alone
But there's more than a suspicion in this lingering cologne
And the kid's just won't be quiet and she runs a traffic light
And she drives into the night

Please take me dancing tonight I've been all on my own
You promised one day we could it's what you said on the phone
I'm just a prisoner of love always hid from the light
Take me dancing, please take me dancing tonight

So here am I in a stolen car at a traffic light
They go form red to green and so I just drive into the night

Please take me dancing tonight I've been all on my own
You promised one day we could it's what you said on the phone
I'm just a prisoner of love always hid from the light
Take me dancing, please take me dancing tonight

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Описание песни с точки зрения нейросети

"Эта песня рассказывает о человеке, который угнал автомобиль и отправился на нем в ночное путешествие. Он описывает себя как бедного парня в машине богатого человека. Во время езды он начинает фантазировать о жизни владельца автомобиля, представляя себя успешным директором компании с женой и двумя детьми. Он слышит разговоры любовника владельца машины и пытается представить, что происходит в его личной жизни.

В припеве он просит свою возможную возлюбленную взять его с собой на танцы, так как он всегда был один и скрыт от света. В конце песни он оказывается на перекрестке на угнанной машине, готовый отправиться в ночное странствие."

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