
Sting - текст песни "Dead Man's Rope"

Dead Man's Rope

A million footsteps, this left foot drags behind my right
But I keep walking, from daybreak 'til the falling night
And as days turn into weeks and years
And years turn into lifetimes
I just keep walking, like I've been walking for a thousand years

Walk away in emptiness, walk away in sorrow,
Walk away from yesterday, walk away tomorrow,

If you're walking to escape, to escape from your affliction
You'd be walking in a great circle, a circle of addiction
Did you ever wonder what you'd been carrying since the world was black?
You see yourself in a looking glass with a tombstone on your back

Walk away in emptiness, walk away in sorrow,
Walk away from yesterday, walk away tomorrow,
Walk away in anger, walk away in pain
Walk away from life itself, walk into the rain

All this wandering has led me to this place
Inside the well of my memory, sweet rain of forgiveness
I'm just hanging here in space

Now I'm suspended between my darkest fears and dearest hope
Yes I've been walking, now I'm hanging from a dead man's rope
With Hell below me, and Heaven in the sky above
I've been walking, I've been walking away from Jesus' love

Walk away in emptiness, walk away in sorrow,
Walk away from yesterday, walk away tomorrow,
Walk away in anger, walk away in pain
Walk away from life itself, walk into the rain

All this wandering has led me to this place
Inside the well of my memory, sweet rain of forgiveness
I'm just hanging here in space

The shadows fall
Around my bed
When the hand of an angel,
The hand of an angel is reaching down above my head

All this wandering has led me to this place
Inside the well of my memory, sweet rain of forgiveness
Now I'm walking in his grace
I'm walking in his footsteps
Walking in his footsteps,
Walking in his footsteps

All the days of my life I will walk with you
All the days of my life I will talk with you
All the days of my life I will share with you
All the days of my life I will bear with you

Walk away from emptiness, walk away from sorrow,
Walk away from yesterday, walk away tomorrow,
Walk away from anger, walk away from pain
Walk away from anguish, walk into the rain.

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Описание песни с точки зрения нейросети

"Эта песня рассказывает о постоянном стремлении двигаться вперед, несмотря на все трудности и испытания. Главный герой идет по жизни, преодолевая все препятствия, идет от дня до ночи, от недели до года, от года до всей жизни. Он осознает, что если бежишь от своих проблем, то попадешь в круг зависимости.

В конце концов, он приходит к пониманию, что только приняв прощение и любовь, можно найти путь к спасению. Он понимает, что ходит с обузой на спине, но обретает возможность освободиться от нее и принять благодать и любовь.

Песня символично описывает путь к нахождению прощения и спасения через признание собственных ошибок и принятие помощи свыше. В конце концов, герой понимает, что он идет по пути вместе с Богом, и с ним он сможет пройти все испытания жизни."

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