Pain of salvation

Pain of salvation - текст песни "Plains Of Dawn"

Plains Of Dawn

"I'm here now, by your side" Sheltered from the cold, a soldier guards a boy.
Clocks are cutting as times pass by their pain
(bringing release through the book on his knees)
(keep trying, keep trying, keep dying inside)

"Hush now little child, it's time to say goodnight.
Find rest in my lullaby this night
I'll still be here when the nightmists draw near"
(blind figures controlling his life)
(keep falling, keep falling, keep falling down now)

"Have faith my son - reach for my hand and I'll walk with you till the sun
goes down. Follow me now, we will meet again in your land.
(have faith my son) Now I'll lead you home."

Opening stillness, reaching through illness. They walk in nightmist.
"Now, we meet again. I'm so close to you now. Again we laugh."

Where shallow waters reach for unknown mystic shores
they gaze at the horizon and smile

"Behold my son - reach for the vision that fills your mind, just let go and
run. Follow the path that was meant for you long ago. (behold my son) And
cross the plains of dawn."

Wordless questions, tearful confessions.
They meet at last now, when it is time to go separate ways
(fading pages) They have touched through ages.

"Remember me my son, it's time to say...goodbye.
I'll free you from your prison - now go!
You're free now, the wave meets the shore!"
(keep running, keep running, keep running home kid)
(winning a war made him lose evermore)

"Farewell my son - the tubes that were straining you to a death within life
are gone. Wait for us, I and your mother will cherish you my son. I cry as
I'm watching you run across plains of dawn."

...and so through that evening a soldier is leaving his son once again
and a war has been lost...
Forlorn he is reeling, unmendably kneeling.
But fate leaves no choice: now he must close the book!

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Описание песни с точки зрения нейросети

"Эта песня рассказывает о солдате, который защищает мальчика от холода. Время идет, а боль и страдания не утихают. Солдат успокаивает ребенка и уверяет, что он всегда рядом в трудные моменты. Они гуляют в ночном тумане, смотрят на горизонт и улыбаются.

Солдат говорит мальчику, чтобы тот следовал своему пути, даже если это трудно. В конце концов они должны пойти своими путями. Он говорит, что все в порядке и свободен, и прощается с мальчиком, который побежал по прериям зари. Солдат остается один, опустошенный и в печали. Песня заканчивается значимым моментом, когда солдат закрывает эту главу своей жизни и начинает новую, несмотря на боль и страдания."

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