Anneke van Giersbergen

Anneke van Giersbergen - текст песни "To Catch a Thief"

To Catch a Thief

The road to hell is paved with gold
From where I stand it’s clear
The story of my life unfolds
And all I have at last is here

My mask concealed no treachery
Your heart was on your sleeve
I removed your veil of innocence
With no intention to deceive

Our trust was built on promises and all that I held dear

You were the one who stole my heart
When it was yours for free
And then your life was torn apart
And it was plain to see, how far I’d fall
A chasm deep, beyond belief
And now I’d give it all ..To catch a thief

Your character was plain to see
I stumbled then I fell
Your silver words spelled tragedy
Although you seemed to wish me well

Then I gave so easily, someday you will repay

You were the one who stole my heart
When it was yours for free
And then your life was torn apart
And it was plain to see, how far I’d fall
A chasm deep, beyond belief
And now I’d give it all ..To catch a thief

You took away my will to live
I took all that you had to give
Now I have nothing, I have nothing to lose
But the pain and misery of losing you
And I really cannot see me pulling through

My story ends not here I see
Your debt is overdue
I need no mercy, take my life
‘Cause now my heart belongs to you

We can rebuild our lives again and our reward is here

You are the one who holds my heart
I give it willingly
You turned my whole life inside out
And now it’s plain to see I had to fall
In love so deep beyond belief
And yes, I have it all ..

You are the one who holds my heart
I give it willingly
You turned my whole life inside out
And now it’s plain to see I had to fall
In love so deep beyond belief
And yes, I have it all .. To catch a thief

Описание песни

при участии John Wetton из King Crimson/Asia

Описание песни с точки зрения нейросети

"Эта песня рассказывает о том, как герой влюбился в кого-то, кто в итоге обманул его и украл его сердце. В тексте упоминается, что дорога в ад вымощена золотом, что символизирует обман и измену. Герой описывает, как он был обманут тем, в кого верил, и как его жизнь была разрушена этим обманом. Он готов отдать все, чтобы поймать этого вора, который украл его сердце. Однако в итоге он понимает, что его сердце принадлежит этому человеку, и он рад этому, несмотря на все страдания, которые ему пришлось пережить из-за этой любви."

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