Blind Guardian

Blind Guardian - текст песни "Punishment Divine"

Punishment Divine

It's warm and tender
But very soon it turn cold
Shadows stare down from the walls
Out of the mist
It's coming closer now
It never rains
It pours on me
So let the saints
Set up the courtyard
The unpleasant cage
The obvious point is I'm insane
Was I aware
Whom I had slain
I fear I was the faceless
The Nameless
The bush set on fire
No one ever dared to speak
"Shame on me
I don't believe
The here and now
Is all we're living for"

Joyful it seems
But then suddenly
By one false move
It's blown away
Joyful it seems
But then suddenly
Their voices cease
It's gone away

To the point of no return
To the point of no return

Witness my last breath
I do not regret
A word I've said
The strong will survive
The weak must die
And out of the mist
It's coming closer now
Sinner and saints
The grateful slaves

Nature's law instead of god in heaven

From far beyond
I can hear them sing
I hear angels sing
Songs of innocence
I hear angels sing
Despite the facts are clear
It cannot be
What we can't see
I must admit
It sounds so sweet

Joyful it seems
But then suddenly
By one false move
It's blown away
Joyful it seems
But then suddenly
Their voices cease
It's gone away

To the point of no return
To the point of no return

Angels sing I hear Angels sing
Can hear them sing
Far beyond I hear them sing
"It's true, it's true
We don't exist"
Far beyond I hear them sing
"It's true, it's true
We don't exist"

Well we all know
There's no other side
It's good and evil
I know right between
There's no borderline
This is the punishment divine

Surrounded by night
I've been offered insight
There is none but the sin of pride
Am I wrong an I right
Am I losing my sight
Abandoning the superior mind

Joyful it seems
But then suddenly
By one false move
It's blown away
Joyful it seems
But then suddenly
Their voices cease
It's gone away

To the point of no return
To the point of no return

Right away I will be gone
Gone I will be gone

Through the valleys grey
Through the shapeless land
I walk alone
I'm left alone

Through the deepest void
A blackened paradise
I walk alone
I'm left alone

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Описание песни с точки зрения нейросети

"Это песня о человеке, который столкнулся с собственной тьмой и грехами. Он описывает свои сомнения и страхи, а также принятие своей участи. Он говорит о том, что сильные выживают, а слабые должны умереть. Он видит свою судьбу как наказание божественное и осознает, что между добром и злом нет границы. Песня отражает внутренние конфликты и борьбу с самим собой. Он описывает одиночество и борьбу в мире, где нет ни веры, ни надежды."

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