Blind Guardian

Blind Guardian - текст песни "The Soulforged"

The Soulforged

I'm not insane
That's how it seems though
Spiteful cruel but wise
Beyond his age
My body fails
My soul will rise

The end of life's immortalized disease and agony
And I see death through golden eyes
Beyond the door
There's something more
It seems there's just one way

On through the heat
I've felt the touch of evil
I still feel the icy claw in me

For a decent price
I've banned kindness from my heart
The spirit of all truth and beauty
Pawned for my desire

And from the flames
As chance would have it
the soulforged will come into light
And from the flames as chance would have it
The soulforged,
The stainless will rise

I will never change my mind
I will leave it all behind

And through the hour glass
Everything's grey
Everyone's pale
No colour nor beauty will enlighten my heart
The seat of life's empty and cold
Cadaverous you all seem to me
Stillborn but you're still alive
You're still alive

Truth lies in loneliness
When hope is long gone by
I'll wipe out the bliss of the new age
And welcome you precious night

And from the flames
As chance would have it
the soulforged will come into light
And from the flames as chance would have it
The soulforged,
The stainless will rise

From a distant time
Voices echo in the hall
"Come and join us
Enter life and everything is gone now"

And through the looking glass
I still fear mortality and its loss in the end
Unlimited power in my hands
The claw of the dragon ascends
"Mourn for his lost soul
He's cursed and condemned"

Each step I take
May it hurt may it ache
Leads me further
Away from the past
But as long as I breathe
Each smile in my bleak face
I'm on my way to find
Back to the peace of mind

And from the flames
As chance would have it
the soulforged will come into light
And from the flames as chance would have it
The soulforged,
The stainless will rise

I will never change my mind
I will leave it all behind

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Описание песни с точки зрения нейросети

"Это песня о человеке, который отказался от доброты, правды и красоты ради своих желаний. Он чувствует, что его тело умирает, но его душа поднимется. Он описывает свое отношение к жизни как болезнь и агонию, и видит смерть через золотые глаза. Он говорит о том, что он никогда не изменит свое мнение и оставит все позади. Он идет вперед, отказываясь от прошлого и стремится к нахождению покоя. Песня также упоминает о том, что он чувствует хладный коготь зла в себе и о своем страхе смерти и потери бессмертия. На фоне всего этого он ищет спокойствие и мир в своей душе."

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