
Metallica - текст песни "That Was Just Your Life"

That Was Just Your Life

Like a siren in my head that always threatens to repeat,
Like a blind man that is strapped into the speeding driver's seat,
Like a face that learns to speak, when all it knew was how to bite
Like a misery that keeps me focused though I've gone astray
Like an endless nightmare that I must awaken from each day.

Like conviction
A premonition,
Not worthy of, so I deny... I deny.

I blind my eyes and try to force it all into place,
I stitch them up, see not my fall from grace.
I blind my eyes, I hide and feel it passing me by,
I open just in time to say goodbye.

Almost like your life,
Almost like your endless fight,
Curse the day is long,
Realize you don't belong,
Disconnect somehow,
Never stop the bleeding now,
Almost like your fight,
And there it went,
Almost like your life.

Like a wound that keeps on bleeding to remind me not to think
Like a raging river drowning when I only need a drink,
Like a poison that I swallow, but I want the world to die.
Like a release from a prison that I didn't know I was in,
Like a fight to live the past I prayed to leave from way back then
Like a general without a mission until the war will start again,
Start again.



Like a touch from hell to feel how hot
That it can get if you get caught,
Like a strike from heaven turns that key,
And brings you straight down to your knees,
Like a touch from hell to feel how hot
That it can get if I get caught,
Like a strike from heaven to reprieve,
That brings you straight down to your knees.

[Dual guitar solo]


That was just your life.

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Описание песни с точки зрения нейросети

"Этот текст песни описывает стремление человека к саморазрушению и негативным эмоциям, которые могут властвовать над ним. Он говорит о том, как собственные душевные раны и недостатки могут привести к саморазрушению и погружению во тьму. Песня о том, как человеку трудно избавиться от своих демонов и обрести внутренний покой. Она выражает борьбу с собой, поиск пути к истинному смыслу жизни и освобождение от собственных страданий и ошибок."

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