
Rage - текст песни "Innocent"


She woke up, all in sweat and screaming
She saw her fate when she was dreaming
Why? Such a young girl did no crime

And then his bony hand came reaching
"Young girl, I'll be your guide, we're leaving
Now, it's the end of all your time."

Save me! And in her dreams she had to face her very end
Save me! She saw the ashes of her life, so innocent

"You must let me go, please forsake me
Won't someone help me or just wake me
I don't deserve this early end."

"This life ain't fair, that's not the meaning
I'm only here to help, believe me
And I am mercy, heaven sent."

Save me! And in her dreams she had to face her very end
Save me! She saw the ashes of her life, so fragile
She saw the ashes of her life, so innocent

She started crying like a baby
Screamed for her mother, cursed the day of birth
But the reaper took her hand

Save me! And in her dreams she had to face her very end
Save me! She saw the ashes of her life, so fragile
She saw the ashes of her life, so innocent

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Описание песни с точки зрения нейросети

"В этой песне рассказывается история о молодой девушке, которая видит свою судьбу во сне. Она ощущает угрозу и страх, когда загадочный существует приходит за ней. Она просит о помощи и милости, надеясь на спасение, но её просят поверить и отпустить. Она кричит и плачет, но смерть приходит за ней, пометив её "невинность". В итоге она сталкивается с концом своей жизни, сталкиваясь с непониманием и несправедливостью."

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