
Rage - текст песни "Voice from the vault"

Voice from the vault

In a dark and spooky graveyard,
there he's waiting in the deep
for the day when he will wake up
from his godless, deadlike sleep.

Since a while she heard these voices,
calling in her sleep at nights,
telling her she has to return
to become his mouldering wife.

Soon will come what she was told,
she cannot longer resist his call.

Oh, midnight and she's all alone
among the graves where it's so dark and cold.
Oh, she's heard his infernal voice
from the vault.

Long ago, when they were younger
they were married, lucky times.
But then clouds locked the horizons,
a martyrium for her life.
Then she's got this evil plan, she
put the poison in his tea.
And he passed away, real slowly,
noone noticed, she was free.

Soon will come what she was told,
she cannot longer resist this call.

On, midnihgt and she's all alone
among the graves where it's so dark and cold.
Oh, she's heard his infernal voice from the vault.

"The truth, give me the truth!
You've killed me and I want you to pay.
You've promised to be mine and I want you now.
I will make you follow!"

Now he took hold on her mind,
he's possesing her complete.
She's no longer self-controlled,
and he is moving her feet.
Lays her body then to rest,
covers her with his caress.
And the ground is broken up
when the new born morning comes.

Now has come what she has told,
she couldn't longer resist his call.

Oh, midnight and she's all alone
among the graves where it's so dark and cold.
Oh, she's heard his infernal voice
from the vault.

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Описание песни с точки зрения нейросети

"Текст песни "Voice from the vault" рассказывает историю о женщине, которая была счастливо замужем, но со временем ее жизнь начала разрушаться. Она начала слышать голоса, сказавшие ей, что она должна вернуться к своему умершему мужу. В прошлом она убила его, приготовив яд в его чай, и освободилась от него. Теперь, после его смерти, его дух преследует ее и она не может сопротивляться его призыву.

Постепенно дух умершего мужа овладевает ее разумом, она теряет контроль над собой и его воля начинает управлять ее действиями. Когда наступает рассвет, они пробуждаются вместе под землей. Пришел настоящий момент, о котором ей говорили, и она не могла больше сопротивляться призыву мужа.

Таким образом, песня рассказывает о женщине, которая становится жертвой своего прошлого и ужасного духа своего мужа, который преследует ее из могилы и заставляет выполнить его волю."

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