
Rage - текст песни "Sign Of Heaven"

Sign Of Heaven

I've been waiting for an invitation,
couldn't leave my selfmade reservation.
I had locked the door and throw the key away.

There was nothing but my own reflection
and the phone was silent, no connection.
I was turning just in circles with no end.

All that I had, it was gone, it was dead.
But now my night is surrounded by light.
This must be a sign of heaven, a sign of heaven,
the nightmare is over.

As the winter left the frozen places
and the mirror smiled at lonely faces,
then my leaves, they started slowly reaching out.

Now your laughter echoes in the silence
and your waters wash the dirt from my hands,
as we harvest all the fruits that come our way.

All that I had, it was gone, it was dead.
But now my night is surrounded by light.
This must be a sign of heaven, a sign of heaven,
the nightmare is over.

There was nothing but my own reflection
I was turning just in circles with no end...

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Описание песни с точки зрения нейросети

"Этот текст песни о том, как герой испытывает одиночество и отчаяние, но в конце концов находит свет и надежду. Он чувствует, что это знак с небес, что кошмар закончился. Герой осознает, что все, что было у него, ушло и умерло, но теперь его ночь окружена светом. Он ощущает радость и счастье, встречает новый этап в жизни, когда освобождается от прошлых трудностей и обретает новые возможности."

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