
Metallica - текст песни "Until it Sleeps"

Until it Sleeps

Where do I take this pain of mine
I run but it stays right by my side

So tear me open, pour me out
There's things inside that scream and shout
And the pain still hates me
So hold me until it sleeps

Just like the curse, just like the stray
You feed it once and now it stays
Now it stays

So tear me open, but beware
There's things inside without a care
And the dirt still stains me
So wash me until I'm clean

It grips you so hold me
It stains you so hold me
It hates you so hold me
It holds you so hold me until it sleeps
Until it sleeps
Until it sleeps

So tell me why you've choosen me
Don't want your grip
Don't want your greed
Don't want it

I'll tear me open, make you gone
No more can you hurt anyone
And the fear still shakes me
So hold me until it sleeps

It grips you so hold me
It stains you so hold me
It hates you so hold me
It holds you, holds you, holds you
Until it sleeps
Until it sleeps
Until it sleeps
Until it sleeps
Until it sleeps

I don't want it
I don't want it, want it, want it, want it, want it, no!

So tear me open, but beware
There's things inside without a care
And the dirt still stains me
So wash me till I'm clean

I'll tear me open, make you gone
No longer will you hurt anyone
And the hate still shapes me
So hold me until it sleeps
Until it sleeps
Until it sleeps
Until it sleeps
Until it sleeps

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Описание песни с точки зрения нейросети

"Этот текст песни передает чувства боли, страха и ненависти. Главный герой испытывает сильную боль и страдание, которое не покидает его. Он просит окружающих разделить его боль и помочь ему избавиться от нее. Он хочет быть освобожден от страха и ненависти, которые охватили его. Герой пытается избавиться от негативных эмоций и чувств, которые стали для него преградой к счастью. Он жаждет покоя и спокойствия, чтобы его душа смогла отдохнуть."

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