
Delain - текст песни "We Are The Others"

We Are The Others

I'm walking with Sophie tonight
She lives in the air that I breathe
I can't get it out of my mind
how you were left to bleed
Was it how you dressed
or how you act
I can't believe
how they could act so violently
without regret
well, we will not forget

We are the others
we are the cast-outs
we're the outsiders
but you can't hide us
we are the others
we are the cast-outs
you're not out there on your own
If you feel mistreated
torn and cheated
you are not alone
we are the others

As simple as air in your lungs
as simple as words on your lips
And no one should take that away
no one should argue this
Now with our heads up high
we'll carry on
and carry out
that we won't let them get us down
or wear us out
'cause we are not alone

We are the others
we are the cast-outs
we're the outsiders
but you can't hide us
we are the others
we are the cast-outs
you're not out there on your own
If you feel mistreated
torn and cheated
you are not alone
we are the others

Normal is not the norm
It's just a uniform
(we are the others)
Forget about the norm
(we're the outsiders)
Take off your uniform
(we are the others)
We are all beautiful
We are the others

We are the others....

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Описание песни с точки зрения нейросети

"Эта песня "Мы - другие" обращается к тем, кто чувствует себя посторонним или отвергнутым обществом. В тексте отмечается, что важно быть верным себе и не изменять себя из-за чужих ожиданий или осуждения. Песня призывает к поддержке друг друга, к тому чтобы не допустить, чтобы негативные действия других людей соединили нас. Все мы уникальны и красивы, и мы - другие."

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