Star One

Star One - текст песни "Starchild"


Touch me now and feel my force
I will give you life
History will change its course
Man will survive

Something's strange, I'm so confused, I don't know why
I've been designed to tell the truth, I cannot lie
I heard the news, a mystery, a strange device
I'm so afraid, I just can't see through all these lies

Behold this alien messenger

Is this a cosmic design?

The bringer of a new day

One by four by nine

Reach out to me and seal your fate
A new phase is near
Come to me and cross the gate
No pain, no fear

Something's strange, I'm so confused, I don't know why

Secrets have not been told

I've been designed to tell the truth, I cannot lie

When will the truth unfold?

I heard the news, a mystery, a strange device

What does the future hold?

I'm so afraid, I just can't see through all these lies

Behold this alien messenger

Is this a cosmic design?

The bringer of a new day

One by four by nine

A strange signal, beamed out in space
From the face of the moon
Harbinger of a new race
We'll be evolving soon

Damian and Russell:
I see the future, a new star will rise
I see the world through the all-seeing eyes
Of the Starchild

I have entered another dimension
My perception expands
Transcending beyond comprehension
Evolution of man?

Damian and Russell:
I see the future, a new star will rise
I see the world through the all-seeing eyes
Of the Starchild

I see the future, a new star will rise
I see the world through the all-seeing eyes
Of the Starchild

Time has come, a brand new sun
Shining down on you
The reign of peace has now begun
Dreams have come true

I heard the news, a mystery, a strange device
I'm so afraid, I just can't see through all these lies

Behold this alien messenger

Is this a cosmic design?

The bringer of a new day

One by four by nine
One by four by nine
I see the future, a new star will rise
I see the world through the all-seeing eyes
Of the Starchild
Oh yeah
I see the world through the eyes
Of the Starchild

Damian and Russell:
I see the future, a new star will rise
I see the world through the all-seeing eyes
I see the future, a new star will rise
I see the world through the all-seeing eyes
Of the Starchild

Dan Swan:
Dreams have come true
Shining down on you
I give you life. Man will survive

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Описание песни с точки зрения нейросети

"Эта песня рассказывает о загадочном пришельце, пришедшем на Землю, чтобы помочь человечеству пережить изменения и эволюцию. Лирические герои испытывают смешанные чувства страха и удивления перед этим пришельцем, который пришел изменить курс истории. Пришелец представляет собой некий новый этап в развитии человечества, их миссия - привести мир и гармонию на Землю. Песня также обращается к теме тайн и загадок, предвосхищая будущие изменения и возможности, которые принесет Старшилд. В конце песни говорится о том, что пришелец дарует человечеству новый шанс на выживание и эволюцию."

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