Star One

Star One - текст песни "Songs of the Ocean"

Songs of the Ocean

As we return to earth, memories are haunting me
My strange rebirth, coming back to life
I remember the dark and how my friends set me free
I sacrificed my life so they could survive

There's something wrong on planet Earth
We can not reach our world
Some strange device slowly emerged
Can you hear the cries?

There's something wrong, what can we do?
We can't communicate
All systems fail, all power too
We can't reply

It must be unaware of the damage it's creating
They are reaching out to the seven seas
It's not with man they're communicating
We're going back in time, back in history

There's something wrong, what can we do?
We can't communicate
All systems fail, all power too
We can't reply

Russell and Damian:
We shape life, we travel space
But we don't know the words to the songs of the ocean
We survived the 'human race'
But we don't know the words to the songs of the ocean

There's something wrong on planet Earth
We can't reply

Russell and Damian:
We shape life, we travel space
But we don't know the words to the songs of the ocean
We survived the 'human race'
But we don't know the words to the songs of the ocean

I remember the dark and how my friends set me free
I sacrificed my life so they could survive

There's something wrong, what can we do?
We can't communicate
All systems fail, all power too
We can't reply

Russell and Damian:
We shape life, we travel space
But we don't know the words to the songs of the ocean
We survived the 'human race'
But we don't know the words to the songs of the ocean

Описание песни

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Описание песни с точки зрения нейросети

"Песня "Songs of the Ocean" рассказывает о группе людей, которые возвращаются на Землю после неизвестного приключения в космосе. Они сталкиваются с проблемой связи с планетой и обнаруживают странный устройство, которое появилось на Земле. Они понимают, что не могут понять язык океана и не могут найти способ связаться с ними. Текст песни также говорит о том, что мы, люди, формируем жизнь и путешествуем по космосу, но не знаем слов песен океана и не можем понять его язык. Песня отражает тему коммуникации, понимания и взаимодействия между разными формами жизни."

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