Within Temptation

Within Temptation - текст песни "A Demon’s Fate"

A Demon’s Fate

Too many times
Seeing the violence
It's feeding my mind
No one is saving you
How can you find
A heaven in this hell?

Leave it behind
Hearing your silence
It screams our goodbye
Cannot believe it's an eye for an eye
Love is gone to waste

Angels have faith
I don't want to be a part of his sin
I don't want to get lost in his world
And this playing this game

When the shadows remain in the light of day
On the wings of darkness he'll retaliate
He'll be falling from grace
Till the end of all his days

From the ashes of hate
It's a cruel demon's fate
On the wings of darkness
He's returned to stay
There will be no escape
Cause he's fallen far from grace

What have you done?
Is this what you wanted?
What have you become?
His soul's not forsaken
You're walking alone
From heaven into hell
Now that you know
Your way in this madness
Your powers are gone
Your chains have been broken
You've suffered so long
You will never change.

Angels have faith
I don't want to be a part of his sin
I don't want to get lost in his world
I'm not playing this game

When the shadows remain in the light of day
On the wings of darkness
He'll retaliate
He'll be falling from grace
Till the end of all his days

From the ashes of hate
It's a cruel demon's fate
On the wings of darkness
He's returned to stay
There will be no escape
Cause he's fallen far from grace

Angels have faith
I don't want to be a part of his sin
I don't want to get lost in his world
I'm not playing this game

When the shadows remain in the light of day
On the wings of darkness
He'll retaliate
He'll be falling from grace
Till the end of all his days

From the ashes of hate
It's a cruel demon's fate
On the wings of darkness
He's returned to stay
There will be no escape
Cause he's fallen far from grace

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Описание песни с точки зрения нейросети

"Эта песня о том, как человек стал демоном из-за своих грехов и ошибок. Он понимает, что он отвергнут и понесет наказание за свои поступки. Он видит, как он падает во тьму и теряет свои силы и свободу. Ему жаль, что он стал частью этого зла, и он не хочет играть в эту игру. Он осознает, что его долгий путь к падению и наказанию неизбежен из-за его злых поступков. Песня о том, как человек стал демоном и как он не может избежать своей судьбы."

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