Within Temptation

Within Temptation - текст песни "Iron"


Left in the darkness
Here on your own
Woke up a memory
Feeding the pain
You cannot deny it
There's nothing to say
It's all that you need to fire away

Oh damn, the war is coming
Oh damn, you feel you want it
Oh damn, just bring it on today

You can't live without the fire
It's the heat that makes you strong
'Cause you're born to live and fight it all away
You can't hide what lies inside you
It's the only thing you've known
You'll embrace it and never walk away
Don't walk away

Don't walk away
Don't walk away
Don't walk away

Raised in this madness
You're on your own
It makes you fearless
Nothing to lose

Dreams are a joke here
They get in your way
That's what what you need to fight day by day.

Oh damn, the war is coming
Oh damn, you feel you want it
Oh damn, just bring it on today

You can't live without the fire
It's the heat that makes you strong
'Cause you're born to live and fight it all away
You can't hide what lies inside you
It's the only thing you've known
You'll embrace it and never walk away
Don't walk away

(You need not fear us,
Unless you are a Darkheart
A vile one who preys on the innocent
I promise
You can't hide forever from the empty darkness
For we will hunt you down like the animals you are
And pull you into the very bowels of hell)

Oh damn, the war is coming
Oh damn, you feel you want it
Oh damn, just bring it on today

You can't live without the fire
It's the heat that makes you strong
'Cause you're born to live and fight it all away
You can't hide what lies inside you
It's the only thing you've known

You'll embrace it and never walk away
Don't walk away

Don't walk away
Don't walk away
Don't walk away

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Описание песни с точки зрения нейросети

"Этот текст песни "Iron" описывает чувства силы, решимости и борьбы. Он говорит о том, что нельзя отрицать своего внутреннего огня и страсти, которые делают нас сильными. Песня говорит о том, что мы не можем убежать от своих истинных чувств и страстей, и нужно принять их и не оставлять их на пути. Также в тексте присутствует элемент борьбы и войны, который символизирует жизненные испытания и вызовы, с которыми мы сталкиваемся, и необходимость сражаться и не убегать от них."

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