Spock's Beard

Spock's Beard - текст песни "Can't Get It Wrong"

Can't Get It Wrong

I don't want to be alone anymore,
Why can't I be somebody else?
Why must I see through these strange eyes?

I won't take too much of your time on the telephone,
Just me and the sunset sky along
Some kind of cloudburst in my mind
I'd like to leave it behind

But I can't get it wrong and I can't get it right
And I can't seem to get it at all tonight
It would help if you could see things through my eyes
If you tried could you see things through my eyes?

What is there in between anyway?
I'm dawn and you're dusk - we're night and day
But I think we could make it something good
How I wish that we could

But I can't get it wrong and I can't get it right
And I can't seem to get it at all tonight
It would help if you could see things through my eyes
If you can't understand how I'm feeling today
If you can't understand me, well that's o.k.
Still I think that you could see things through my eyes
If you tried you could see things through my eyes

If I could only open and hear what you say
I think this could all work out

Cause I can't get it wrong and I can't get it right
Man, I just want to get it all tonight
Yeah, I think that I could see things through your eyes
If you can't understand how I'm feeling today
If you can't understand me, well that's o.k.
Still I think that you could see things through my eyes
If you tried you could see things through my eyes

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Описание песни с точки зрения нейросети

"Эта песня рассказывает о том, что главный герой чувствует себя одиноким и хочет изменить свою жизнь. Он не понимает, почему ему так сложно принимать решения и видеть мир так, как это делают другие люди. Он хочет поделиться своими чувствами и мыслями с кем-то близким, надеясь, что это поможет ему разобраться в себе и в своих отношениях с другими. В песне выражается желание понимания и взаимопонимания между людьми, хотя иногда это кажется невозможным. Главное желание героя - найти путь к пониманию и сближению с окружающими."

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Просмотры: 190

Альбом "Day for Night" (1999)


События сегодня28 апреля