Dream Theater

Dream Theater - текст песни "A Nightmare to Remember"

A Nightmare to Remember

A nightmare to remember
I'd never be the same.
What began as laughter
So soon would turn to pain.
The sky was clear and frigid
The air was thick and still
Now I'm not one to soon forget
And I bet I never will

Picture for a moment
The perfect irony
A flawless new beginning
Eclipsed by tragedy.
The uninvited stranger
Started dancing on his own
So we said goodbye
To the glowing bride
And we made our way back home.

Life was so simple then
We were so innocent.
Father and mother
Holding each other.

Without warning
Out of nowhere
Like a bullet
From the night
Crushing Glass
Rubber and steel
Scorching fire
Glowing lights
Screams of terror
Pain and Fear
Sounds of sirens
Smoke in my eyes
Sudden stillness
Blackened silence
No more screaming
No more cries

Stunned and bewildered
Cold and afraid
Torn up and broken
Frightened and dazed

Stunned and bewildered
Cold and afraid
Torn up and broken
Frightened and dazed

Lying on the table
In this unfamiliar place
I'm greeted by a stranger
A man without a face
He said, "Son, do you remember?
Do you even know your name?"
Then he shined a light into my eyes
And said, "take this for the pain."

Hopelessly drifting,
Bathing in beautiful agony.
I am endlessly falling,
Lost in this wonderful misery.
In peaceful sedation, I lay half awake
And all of the panic inside starts to fade.
Hopelessly drifting, bathing in beautiful agony.

"Tell me does this hurt you?"
Said the faceless man.
"Can you move all of your fingers?
Can you try your best to stand?"
I asked about the others
Is everyone OK?
He told me not to worry
As he turned and looked away.

Hopelessly drifting,
Bathing in beautiful agony.
I am endlessly falling,
Lost in this wonderful misery.
In peaceful sedation, I lay half awake
And all of the panic inside starts to fade.
Hopelessly drifting, bathing in beautiful agony.

Day after day
And night after night
Replaying the events
Did they ever see the red light?

Over and over
Scene by scene
Like a recurring nightmare haunting my dreams.
How can you prepare for what would happen next?
No son should ever have to see his father such a mess
It's a miracle he lived
It's a blessing no one died
By the Grace of God above
Everyone survived

Life was so simple then
We were so innocent.
It will stay with us forever
A nightmare to remember

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Описание песни с точки зрения нейросети

"Это песня о трагическом событии, которое изменило жизни людей. Рассказывается о начале счастливого момента, который быстро превратился в кошмар. Главный герой вспоминает ясное утро, когда все было спокойно и тихо, но внезапно произошла авария, изменившая все. Он описывает страх, боль и панику, которые он испытывал в результате этой трагедии. Песня также о том, как тяжело смириться с утратой и как сложно продолжить жить после подобного испытания. В конце песни герой выражает благодарность за то, что все выжили, но также говорит, что этот кошмар навсегда останется в его памяти."

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Альбом "Black Clouds & Silver Linings" (2009)


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