
Metallica - текст песни "Frantic"


If I could have my wasted days back
Would I use them to get back on track?
Stop to warm at Karma's burning
Or look ahead, but keep on turning?

Do I have the strength
To know how I'll go?
Can I find it inside
To deal with what I shouldn't know?

Could I have my wasted days back
Would I use them to get back on track?

You live it or lie it!

My lifestyle determines my death style

Keep searching, Keep on searching
This search goes on, This search goes on

Frantic tick tick tick tick tick tick tock
Frantic tick tick tick tick tick tick tock

I've worn out always being afraid
An endless stream of fear that I've made
Treading water full of worry
This frantic tick tick talk of hurry

Do I have the strength
To know how I'll go?
Can I find inside
To deal with what I shouldn't know?

Worn out always being afraid
An endless stream of fear that I've made

You live it or lie it!

My lifestyle determines my death style

Keep searching, Keep on searching
This search goes on, This search goes on
Frantic tick tick tick tick tick tick tock
Frantic tick tick tick tick tick tick tock

My lifestyle (Birth Is Pain)
Determines my death style (Life Is Pain)
A rising tide (Death Is Pain)
That pushes to the other side (It's All The Same)

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Описание песни с точки зрения нейросети

"Текст песни "Frantic" говорит о внутренней борьбе человека с самим собой. Он задается вопросами о том, как использовать потерянные дни и сможет ли найти в себе силу справиться с неизвестным. Человек осознает, что его образ жизни определяет его смерть, и продолжает искать ответы на свои внутренние вопросы. Ритмичные "тик-так" в тексте символизируют беспокойство и спешку, которые постоянно преследуют героя песни."

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