
Metallica - текст песни "Master of puppets"

Master of puppets

End of passion play, Crumbling away
I'm your source of self-destruction
Veins that pump with fear, Sucking darkest clear
Leading on your death's construction
Taste me you will see
More is all you need
You're dedicated to
How I'm killing you

Come crawling faster
Obey your master
Your life burns faster
Obey your master

Master of puppets I'm pulling your strings
Twisting your mind and smashing your dreams
Blinded by me, You can't see a thing
Just call my name, 'Cause I'll hear you scream
Just call my name, 'Cause I'll hear you scream

Needlework the way, Never you betray
Life of death becoming clearer
Pain monopoly, Ritual misery
Chop your breakfast on a mirror
Taste me you will see
More is all you need
You're dedicated to
How I'm killing you

Come crawling faster
Obey your master
Your life burns faster
Obey your master

Master of puppets I'm pulling your strings
Twisting your mind and smashing your dreams
Blinded by me, You can't see a thing
Just call my name, 'Cause I'll hear you scream
Just call my name, 'Cause I'll hear you scream

Master, Master, Where's the dreams that I've been after?
Master, Master, You promised only lies
Laughter, Laughter, All I hear or see is laughter
Laughter, Laughter, Laughing at my cries
Hell is worth all that, Natural habitat
Just a rhyme without a reason
Neverending maze, Drift on numbered days
Now your life is out of season
I will occupy
I will help you die
I will run through you
Now I rule you too

Come crawling faster
Obey your master
Your life burns faster
Obey your master

Master of puppets I'm pulling your strings
Twisting your mind and smashing your dreams
Blinded by me, You can't see a thing
Just call my name, 'Cause I'll hear you scream
Just call my name, 'Cause I'll hear you scream

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Описание песни с точки зрения нейросети

"Этот текст песни рассказывает о человеке, который становится пленником своих собственных страхов и слабостей. Он становится манипулируемым кем-то, кто контролирует его мысли и действия. Песня описывает, как человек теряет себя под воздействием "мастера кукол", который управляет им как куклой, разрушая его мечты и жизнь. Человек становится безвольным, безмозглым под влиянием этого "мастера", который приводит его к собственной гибели. Песня представляет собой метафору манипуляции и контроля над другими людьми, которые становятся "куклами" в руках "мастера"."

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