
Metallica - текст песни "Slither"


(Don't go lookin' for snakes, you might find them
Don't send your eyes to the sun, you might blind them
Haven't I seen you here before?)

Ooh watch the puppets dancin'
Yeah I see the clowns fall down
Hey, tie your tapshoes tightly
Yeah wear them into town

See you crawlin'
See you crawlin'
Don't go looking for snakes, you might find them
Don't send your eyes to the sun, you might blind them
Haven't I seen you here before?
There ain't no heroes here no
No more

He-hey hey
Ooh play the game so nicely
Oh check it's your move now
Yeah we're standin' in this jungle
Yeah, with some things I have found

See you crawlin'
See you crawlin'
Don't go looking for snakes, you might find them
Don't send your eyes to the sun, you might blind them
Haven't I seen you here before?
Have your heroes disappeared?

See you crawlin'
See you crawlin'
So don't go looking for snakes, you might find them
Don't send your eyes to the sun, you might blind them
Haven't I seen you here before?
No there ain't no heroes here no no

Haven't I seen you here before?
No there ain't no heroes here
Don't go looking for snakes you might find them (ha ha)

Yeah-he haven't I seen you here before?
Have your heroes disappeared?
Don't send your eyes to the sun you might blind they-yem

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Описание песни с точки зрения нейросети

"Этот текст песни "Slither" говорит о том, что не стоит искать опасности там, где их нет, и не следует слишком рисковать. Песня предостерегает от возможных опасностей и показывает, что мир может быть непредсказуемым и полным сюрпризов. В ней также затрагивается тема исчезновения героев и разочарования в людях. В целом, текст вызывает некоторую мистическую и загадочную атмосферу, призывая быть осторожным и бдительным."

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