
Metallica - текст песни "The shortest straw"

The shortest straw

Suspicion is your name
Your honesty to blame
Put dignity to shame
Witchhunt, Modern day
Determining decay
The blatant disarray
The public eyes' disgrace
Defying common place
Unending paper chase
This vertigo it doth bring

Shortest straw
Challenge liberty
Downed by law
Live in infamy
Rub you raw
Witchhunt riding through
Shortest straw
The shortest straw has been pulled for you
Pulled for you
Shortest straw
Pulled for you
Shortest straw
Pulled for you
Shortest straw
Shortest straw has been pulled for you

The accusations fly
Discrimination, Why?
Your inner self to die
Doubt sunk itself in you
It's teeth and talons through
Your living catch-22
A mass hysteria
A meglomania
Reveal dementia
In vertigo you will be

Shortest straw
Challenge liberty
Downed by law
Live in infamy
Rub you raw
Witchhunt riding through
Shortest straw
The shortest straw has been pulled for you
Pulled for you
Shortest straw
Pulled for you
Shortest straw
Pulled for you
Shortest straw
Shortest straw has been pulled for you
Pulled for you
Shortest straw
Pulled for you
Shortest straw
Pulled for you
Shortest straw
Shortest straw has been pulled for you

Behind you, Hands are tied
Your being, Ostracized
Your hell is multiplied
The fallout has begun
Oppressive damage done
Your many turned to none
To nothing
You're reaching yout nadir
Your will has disappeared
The lie is crystal clear
Channels red
One word said
With vertigo make you dead

Shortest straw
Challenge liberty
Downed by law
Live in infamy
Rub you raw
Witchhunt riding through
Shortest straw
The shortest straw has been pulled for you
Pulled for you

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Описание песни с точки зрения нейросети

"Песня "The shortest straw" рассказывает о чувстве подозрения, которое обвиняет человека в чем-то, заставляя его стыдиться своей честности и достоинства. Это описание современной охоты на ведьм, когда оскорбление и разрушение общественного мнения приводят к беспорядку и дискриминации. Человек оказывается подвергнут массовой гистерии и мании величия, и его жизнь становится кошмаром из лжи и обвинений. Песня предупреждает о последствиях подозрений и неправды, которые могут убить веру в себя и привести к опустошению."

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Просмотры: 268

Альбом "And Justice for All" (1988)


События сегодня2 мая