Dream Theater

Dream Theater - текст песни "6:00"


[Звуковые сэмплы из фильма "The Dead"]
"Six o'clock on a Christmas morning..."
"And for what?"
"Well, isn't it for the honor of God, Aunt Kate?"
"I know all about the honor of God, Mary Jane."

Six o'clock the siren kicks him from a dream
Tries to shake it off but it just won't stop
Can't find the strength but he's got promises to keep
And wood to chop before he sleeps

I may never get over
but never's better than now
I've got bases to cover

He's in the parking lot and he's just sitting in his car
It's nine o'clock but he can't get out
He lights a cigarette
and turns the music down
but just can't seem to shake that sound

Once I thought I'd get over
but it's too late for me now
I've got bases to cover

Melody walks through the door
and memory flies out the window
and nobody knows what they want
'til they finally let it all go

The pain inside
coming outside

So many ways to drown a man
So many ways to drag him down
Some are fast and some take years and years
Can't hear what he's saying when he's talking in his sleep
He finally found the sound but he's in too deep

I could never get over
Is it too late for me now?
Feel like blowing my cover

Melody walks through the door
and memory flies out the window
and nobody knows what they want
'til they finally let it all go

But don't cut your losses too soon
'cause you'll only be cutting your throat
And answer a call while you still hear at all
'cause nobody will if you won't

[Звуковые сэмплы из фильма "The Dead"]
"Six o'clock on a Christmas morning..."
"I know all about the honor of God, Mary..."
"I know all about the honor of God, Mary Jane."

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Описание песни с точки зрения нейросети

"Текст песни "6:00" о человеке, который страдает от внутренней боли и пытается справиться с ней. Он просыпается в шесть часов утра, но чувствует, что не сможет преодолеть свои проблемы. Он сравнивает свои страдания с тем, что некоторые способы утопить человека быстрее, а некоторые занимают много лет. Он пытается найти способ выйти из этого состояния, но чувствует, что уже слишком поздно. Тем не менее, он понимает, что ему нужно не отказываться слишком рано, чтобы не навредить себе еще больше."

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